Tactile measuring methods touch the object to be measured during the measuring process (in contrast to non-contact optical measuring). This makes tactile measuring methods particularly robust and fast. The surface of the workpieces to be measured must be resistant enough not to give way when touched.
Tactile measurement is a frequently and popular testing method to determine deviations in product quality during production. Tactile measurements work with probing or measuring, touch-active probes that are positioned at the desired measuring points for measurement. In this way, a high and consistently stable product quality can be achieved.
For tactile measuring methods, a testing system is developed using master parts. The master parts calibrate the testing system correctly. In order to ensure that the test systems function correctly over the entire permitted tolerance range of characteristics, different master parts can be produced.
Ideally, there is a master part that represents the nominal target dimension and another master part with characteristics slightly outside the permitted tolerance range. The test system is then calibrated using these master parts so that the system can correctly identify the test items as quality products or rejects.
Very high accuracy down to the micrometer range
Reading devices reach more places than with other methods
Can be used as a sample measurement or series measurement
Cost-effective measuring method
Inaccurate on uneven or rough surfaces
High sensitivity to disturbances
Quality assurance in the manufacturing industry
Automated recording of tolerance deviations
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