Flexible pick & place robot

One of the most commonly used applications in assembly and production

Pick-up, positioning and storage of materials

Pick up workpieces and materials, position them correctly and place them away as planned - Pick & Place is one of the most frequently used applications in production and assembly. The variety of tasks is at least as great as the optimization potential through automation. Our flexible solutions with tailor-made gripping systems take on monotonous and repetitive tasks at any time with the highest precision and speed.


AdBlue injectors are located on the hot exhaust system and therefore require cooling. When manufacturing these cooling jackets in the automotive sector, two small metal tubes are required per unit. This ensures that the necessary coolant is supplied and drained.

During our customer's production, the tubes were still manually inserted into the machine and processed. This was the only way to align the bulk material for correct transfer. The cycle times were therefore very different and long.


Our solution: a tailor-made FlexPicker system with a camera and a light table to increase the contrast. The tubes separated by an inclined conveyor are first presented to a camera on a light table illuminated from below with UV light. This recognizes the correct type, position and angle of the tubes and automatically passes this information on to the FlexPicker.

Thanks to the special gripper developed by Plan B, the robot arm passes the picked up tube on in 100% correct position after reaching into the box. This eliminates the manual step of picking up, aligning and inserting the bulk material.


  • Automated separation from bulk material

  • Significant reduction in cycle time

  • Introduction of a fixed work cycle for the production process

  • Minimization of defective production and downtimes

  • Full component integration in customer system


  • Higher investment costs at the start of production

  • Planning-intensive component definition

Areas of application:

  • Automotive production

  • Food industry

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Thomas Lang

Sales Management

Phone: +49 (421) 22325 0

Mail: info@plan-b-bremen.de

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