Driverless transport vehicle (FTF) in assembly

Autonomously driving vehicles (FTF) for transporting materials in the assembly line

Driverless transport vehicles in assembly

A driverless transport system (FTS) moves autonomously in a given space. The use of an AGV has become indispensable in assembly and especially in logistics. The largely autonomous vehicles transport materials, goods, mobile robots or serve as moving workpiece carriers in an assembly line.

The use of intelligent machines in the market and in industry aims to shorten the time required for work in terms of quality and quantity, reduce risks and/or save labor in collaboration with an operator or worker.

Use in industry

Both as an autonomous and as a collaborative system, an AGV is a flexible and useful transport system. It often replaces a conventional transport system in places where flexibility is required and linking with a conventional belt is not possible.

The intended use case is decisive for the use. In industry, there are wide fields of application, such as the transport of components and material as well as the agile support of several workstations if the AGV has a functional structure.

The safety of the employees and the flexibility of the assembly line are the main considerations when deciding on such an application. In addition to the health of the employees, the focus is on the acquisition costs and the usability of such an application. If the decision for such an application is positive, it is determined where exactly the risks for the employees lie. Through "intrinsically safe" applications such as special robots and floor laser scanners on vehicles, collaboration can take place without additional protective measures.


  • Ergonomically poor work is done by machines

  • Saving of working time in the process

  • Flexibility of an assembly line is maintained / increased


  • Investment costs are higher than for a comparable normal application

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