Essential quality assurance measures are the recording, evaluation and storage of production data. Production data is differentiated between product-related data and process-related data.
Examples of product-related data
Identification of components based on electronically readable features
Tightening torques of screw connections
Measurement data from test operations
Time of production
If this type of data is recorded and stored over the production period, a complete data set can be recorded for each product and stored for a long time. This can be helpful for retrospectively tracing installed components up to 100%. This also makes it possible to prove the quality of the product in the event of a warranty claim long after the products have been produced and sold.
Independently of the individual products, a large amount of data is collected during production in order to monitor ongoing production. For example, the statistical evaluation of data can be used to identify the shift in the mean value of normally distributed data and counteract the cause. Possible causes include shrinkage, wear and tear or aging. This can be counteracted by replacing the affected components outside of production time. This also prevents production interruptions due to downtime for maintenance.
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