The cycle time is a term from industrial production that refers to the rhythm to be maintained on the production line. The cycle time indicates which time rhythm production must adhere to in order to achieve a required planned number of units. It is also referred to as the so-called “customer cycle”.
An example would be a bakery that sells a loaf of bread every minute. The cycle time for baking bread in this bakery must therefore be less than a minute in order to be able to continuously meet existing customer demand. Another definition of the cycle time is therefore the average time that elapses between the start of production of one unit and the start of production of the next unit.
The cycle time is required on assembly lines in particular for station allocation and balancing.
When calculating cycle times, different types of cycle times are distinguished.
Net cycle time
Line cycle time
Cycle time of automatic stations
The calculation of the individual cycle times can best be expressed in mathematical formulas. You can find these in the solution area Cycle time analysis of automated assembly systems
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