Assembly sequence

Plan assembly sequence to adhere to the assembly sequences

Assembly sequence

In principle, there is a wide range of applications in the industry for the planning of assemblies. These are sometimes complex and require consistent adherence to sequences within the assembly. The sequence in the assembly may influence or block an entire assembly process, so the sequence is essential.

Using an assembly sequence in planning

Whether the assembly of a single component or an entire product is to be planned... during the planning phase the exact assembly sequence is clarified and determined. The sequence of the components to be assembled is crucial, as in most cases this is the only way to ensure that the components can be assembled in terms of quality and quantity. With the help of a priority graph for technically complex assemblies (or without one for simpler assemblies), the order of the components to be assembled is determined.

The priority graph shows the planner graphically which processes can start strictly one after the other or at the same time. It also shows processes that must be completed before the next process can begin. This makes it possible to determine whether all the parts required for assembly have also been included in the planning.

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