Complex requirements are examined in mechanical engineering and a solution for implementation is sought. At the beginning there are general approaches to solutions with their possibilities, advantages and disadvantages for the concrete implementation. To develop a solution or a concept, the requirements are usually taken from the customer's specifications. A specification then describes the implementation and the manufacturing process.
The manufacturing process goes through several iteration loops until the final product can be handed over to the customer. Taking the general conditions into account, a possible concept for implementing the customer's requirements is presented to the customer in a Preliminary Design Review (PDR) and discussed with the customer.
The requirements for the end product are discussed, constructed and finally detailed in several phases. (PDR, CDR and FDR). After discussion and possible adjustments, a Critical Design Review (CDR) is presented to the customer and with the approval after the Final Design Review (FDR), the manufacturing process of the production plant begins. A wide range of information flows into the manufacture of production plants, assembly plants and processing machines. The most important information is about the product, the type and sequence of assembly, the resources required and the people working on the plant.
Before delivery, the production plant/machine is tested for functionality.
The operational production plant/machine is made available to the customer.